IN RESPONDING TO THE TRANSITION TO A MODIFIED WORKPLACE, Our holistic approach engages your leadership and people to ensure risks are addressed, new positive behaviours and protocols are adopted and a safe, efficient and attractive space results.

IN RE-ACTIVATING YOUR WORKPLACE STRATEGY, We provide expertise to assist you in developing a workplace strategy to be an enabling asset for your business – people and operations, and equipped to continually adapt to change.

IN RESETTING, REBUILDING AND RE-ALIGNING YOUR WORKPLACE PORTFOLIO, Our Workplace Assessment is a unique analytical tool that brings insight to your RE decision-making. This is a holistic analysis that assesses the ability of each property to meet key physical criteria for success as workplaces of the future, benchmarked across the portfolio. It is based on building adaptability, resilience and the evolving needs of the workforce.

Ask Profica! Our Workplace Solutions team has extensive knowledge and experience to assist you to respond to the individual workplace, to re-activate your workplace strategy and reset your real estate portfolio. #workplacesolutions #Profica

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