Keeping business running smoothly – meet Corneli Linde

Keeping business running smoothly – meet Corneli Linde

Corneli Linde is Profica’s newly promoted Business Systems and Risk Manager, bringing her skills and experience in Project Management, Law and ISO Standards qualification as an International Lead Auditor to the role.  Thorough and detail orientated, Corneli is focused on realigning and integrating business systems and information to ensure effective quality service delivery to our clients.  Corneli has worked in various spheres of government as well as in Corporate business and has a flair for complex projects delivered under tight deadlines. She celebrated her fifth year in Profica’s project management office this year.

What are some of the key projects you’ve been involved with?

I was previously involved in the building of Mbombela stadium; managed the World Cup Waste Management program and served several Mpumalanga Premiers with their flagship programs. I was awarded the best practices award from Parliament for the development and training of SMMEs, and was privileged to train hundreds of youth members to start up jobs and establish companies in the Expanded Public Works program.  Now, I find that Profica provides a culture of project challenges, stretching the staff with best practice accomplishments, in order to continuously improve the quality of our service.

What are the greatest challenges and opportunities in your area right now?

As a business, we are striving to develop a customized system that integrates all disciplines of service lines, sectors and countries represented by several project managers, as they operate on a matrix structure.  Profica has a complexity like no other which is always challenging, but ultimately rewarding as we succeed with the best quality and relationships.  ISO scope has been incorporated into all the new service lines over the years as the Company expanded and grew.  The key points are to diversify services, but keep the information integrated whilst scaling the business. 

What is your favourite part of working at Profica?

It is the most innovative working environment. Working with a leadership team under the guidance of Tim White, who leads by example, is an opportunity people dream of.  Tim never expects something he would not try, deliver or excel at himself.  

Profica people are the type of people you would want to go to war with.  The extra mile is stock standard and we leave no one behind.  Your utmost best (and then some extra!) is why we are able to deliver at the next level.  Loyalty, commitment, professionalism and respect are who we are.  We respect each other’s skills and talents, create space for excellence and celebrate each other. 

What has been the biggest success or most inspiring challenge of your career so far?

The complexity of projects or work environment is always an inspiring challenge. For me, success lies in the integration of several complex projects representing various currencies, services lines and sectors; and co-ordinating project managers with documented work across different languages and cultures. The pinnacle of any African’s career is when you can manage this complexity and deliver the same quality of work all over the continent.

What do you enjoy doing, outside of work?

I have a passion for empowering people with interior designing and decorating skills in my personal time.  I love sports, outdoor activities and adventure.

What is something about you we wouldn’t find on your LinkedIn profile?

I have walked the sea bottom, visited the highest Pub in Africa and skydived, but I have never done the cooking!

Do you have a particular quote that inspires you?

I am who I AM – find the blue print of your life.

Life is filled with choices, choose wisely.

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