
Profica proud to be achieving BBBEE targets

In line with the Profica group’s, approach to aid the advancement of the economic transformation in South Africa, Profica’s South African focused business, Profica Project Management Africa (Pty) Ltd recently concluded a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) ownership transaction with Excellerate Property Services (Pty) Ltd

Profica, being part of the Excellerate Property Services (Cushman & Wakefield Excellerate) group and by virtue of the allowable flow through principle, achieved a Level 1 B-BBEE status under the Property charter codes, which allows for 135% procurement recognition by our suppliers.

With B-BBEE, when a potential customer/client is looking into doing business with a potential supplier, their own B-BBEE Level is affected by the suppliers B-BBEE rating. The higher the supplier’s level, the more the customer/client benefits from contracting with a level 1 supplier like Profica.

Put simply, this means for every rand spent with Profica this translates to 135% B-BBEE recognition for our clients.

Ms Busi Ntshangase, Profica’s HR Manager says the new B-BBEE status means “The company and it’s people are serious in providing the vehicle to support the necessary initiatives to aid economic development for our country not only for our clients but for our staff members. This is evident in our graduate and mentoring programme. We currently have an annual intake of students in the built environment providing workplace training during the university holidays. Most of them ultimately join the team on permanent appointments after graduation.”

Profica believes in the economic transformation of the country.

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